Saturday, June 23, 2018

Character Sheet Color Test

One of my projects this morning: color testing a character sheet I've been working on for my current comic, Zzackback.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Zzackback Character Sheet Linework

Working on a character sheet of some potential new characters to be introduced into Zzackback.

The next step is to add color, documenting the color codes for each component. This will make it easier to recall and reuse the color palette for each character.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Zzackback 180606

Remembering a great moment of my childhood - the day my soon-to-be best friend moved in next door. With a lot in common, we were practically inseparable for years. Sadly, his father accepted a job on the west coast, and his family moved away around the time I was middle school.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Zzackback 180602

Rummaging through my drawings, I found this sketch of Zack with a Nerf rifle, and thought I'd add some color to it.

Zzackback 180602

Remembering kindergarten class, where I met the girl who I'd someday marry. Can't believe we're about to celebrate 19 years of marriage together.